Friday, January 29, 2016

A Gift for My Boys

Paul wrote in the Book of Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Sin brings about the suffering, loss, and heartache that leads to both a physical and spiritual death.  Right now I am paying the price of my sins -- pride and lust -- with the loss of my wife and kids through a bitter separation and divorce.  

When the reality of my loss hit me, the pain drove me down a dark road headed further and further away from God.  But the more I thought about my boys, and my wife, the more I realized I needed a relationship with Jesus to make things right.  Whether or not I am reunited with my family is in God's hands, but, at the very least, I want to share with my boys the truth that the "gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Over the course of my life, I've had a strange attraction to leather bound journals.  When I bought one, every couple of years, it usually collected dust at the bottom of a plastic tub with other forgotten keepsakes.  I never really knew what to fill those pages with until now.  When the pain of not seeing my boys became unbearable, I turned toward the Bible.  But the goal of just edifying myself with the Word of God did not provide enough motivation for me (a naturally slow reader) to wade through the voluminous text.  

Then suddenly I was struck by a wonderful idea.  Why not fill those beautiful leather bound journals with the most beautiful words alive -- the Bible!  When this labor of love is complete (approximately three years from now) I will pass down this handwritten bible to my oldest son who will have just reached a more mature reading age.  Three more years and I'll have another handwritten bible prepared for my youngest boy!

I can't think of a better way to absorb the word of God and pass it along to my loved ones.  I am excited to get started on this journey and record my progress on this blog.  I hope you follow along and each day read my handwritten Bible entries one chapter at a time.

God Bless!                

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