Sunday, February 14, 2016

Free Ministry Training With Christian Leaders Institute

Hey gang, my Handwritten Bible journey is still on hold until I can get my hands on the leather bound journal I have my heart set on, and that would make the perfect gift for my boys in the future.  In the meantime, I've been working on my walk with God, experiencing my ups and downs, conquering and succumbing to my habits and hangups...but forging ahead.  As I attempt to draw closer to God, Satan digs his hooks into me and tries to distract me.  Thank God for the wonderful, God-fearing people in my life who have invited me into their homes and churches, and have given me bologna sandwiches (inside story!).

You never know where God will lead you.  Before the weekend he introduced me to the Christian Leaders Institute.  I'm not sure if my calling is in ministry, but God has led me to this wonderful Christian resource nonetheless.  You can receive the equivalent of a Bachelors in Divinity, or become eligible for acceptance into Christian Seminaries across the nation, for absolutely FREE!  The educational value on this website is mind-boggling.  I chose to enroll in CLI so that I could follow an intelligent and structured system to study the Bible and become a leader in my church.  Whether CLI takes me to greater heights in ministry remains to be seen, but its all FREE and I just couldn't ignore that incredible gift.  I highly recommend CLI to friends and family who are looking to add depth to their walk with God.

Please check out the CLI website in the link provided above!  Also view the video below for a overview of the CLI program.  The video is a few years old, and lots have changed, but I think its a good one to see.


Friday, February 5, 2016

More Bible Reading Tools For Your Journey

I'm on day four of my 90 Day Bible Reading Plan!  The idea of reading the entire Bible in only three months -- after a lifetime of resolving to read the whole thing but failing every time -- fills me with excitement!  Of course, my excitement for exploring the Bible helps me prepare to start transcribing the bible as a gift for my boys.

In my last post I requested donations of leather bound journals for my Handwritten Bible journey. I keep praying to God to help with this very important goal.

Another tool I have discovered to get the most out of my Bible reading is to use Google Earth . uses Google Earth to make the Bible come alive - geographically speaking.  I know for someone like me who has difficulty imagining all of the exotic locations in the Bible, this visual tool is a huge help!  I highly recommend it!

Stay tuned as I provide more tools and recommendations for exploring the Bible.

In the meantime, to get your Bible Reading Juices Flowing, watch this popular youtube video from Pastor Paul Washer.  Recently, when my family fell apart, and my world started crumbling around me, I came across this sobering message from Paul Washer that reminds us exactly what is at stake if we don't follow Jesus.

Pastor Paul Washer's Sobering Message to Christians   

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Before My Handwritten Bible Journey Begins

Before I embark on the journey of the Handwritten Bible, there are  few things.  I don't want to wait the three years or so that it will take to write the bible before I have actually read it in its entirety.  So I found a great Bible in 90 Days Reading Plan.  

That screenshot may be difficult to read but definitely check out the link above for more information.
I have encountered a stumbling block on my journey to writing the Bible by hand.  The journals that I found in storage are not large enough to transcribe the Bible.  Between legal expenses, child care expenses, and rent, I am finding it hard to justify the extra $30 or so when I am struggling to meet my other obligations to my family.  This is where I leave it up to God to provide.  If anyone believes in my journey, and would like to contribute journals like the one below, I would be happy to accept donations.  Please mail to 1841 #5 East Parklake Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703.

I found the perfect Brown Monastery Refillable Italian Leather Journal on Barnes and Noble.  

Thank you for your support and I'm looking forward to getting started soon!